Chapter 1.7 蓝灵集团
Chapter 1.7 蓝灵集团
2023 年 2 月 25日 Saturday
[ Camera zoom into BlueStar Building @ Boulevard Ave 7 ]
Sky 蓝灵王 is standing tall
... Over a lousy Red carpet
Sky's v77 bluephone vibrates on his Workdesk...
蓝: Sky speaking...
Lady voice : 总裁,我是柜台的 Sally. 当前有一位叫 Jolin 的台湾女士,说和你有预约。。。
蓝:Jolin? 叫保安带她上来。。。
Lady voice: 是的,总裁。 。”
After 7mins, the door bell rang.
Sky pressed the blue button under his desk and the Silver doors slowly swing open onwards.
A security officer in black polo T with the Logo DSI escorted a pretty lady ( her late 30s) in Green Top & Black pants across the 997sqft room.
Sky: 坐吧。。。
Sky winked at the guard, who then smiled and walked off, closing the door as he went.
Jolin : 那笔钱, 什么时候给我?
Sky: 从认识妳以来,每次见面都是钱来钱后的,难道就不能说些其他的吗?
Sky inched towards the fridge, opened and took out a bottle of Russian Vokha classic and two glasses...
Sky: want some?
(Sky poured the Vokha & placed a glass near Jolin)
Jolin: 妳什么时候离开她,跟我在一起?
Jolin drank 5ml.
Sky sipped a little, and replied...
Sky: 那是不可能的。。。
Jolin: 为什么不可能? 你爱的是我呀?
我们做了 38 次,难道只一点,对你若无其事吗?
Sky coughed... And spitted onto a tissue paper. He crumbled it, threw into the bin, and continued drinking .. ignoring Jo's advance...
Jolin: 我再说多一次,我要你,和那个女人离分 !
Jolin slammed her white Praba Bag onto the table ..*Bang !
Sky finished his drink, took out a cheque book, scribbled for 20 seconds using his Blue Pointed Pen, tired the cheque, and passed it to the aggressive visitor.
Jolin held the paper in her hands in disbelief ...
Jolin screamed : WHAT? Only $100,000 ???
You insulting me ?!
.... To be continued
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