Chapter 1.3 蓝色革命

Chapter 1.3 蓝色革命

V1.0 10 Feb 2023 7pm sharp

V1.1 15 Apr 2023 1234pm

V1.2 08 May 2023 1820pm

(Camera zoomed into the City Hall...)

A blue light shimmered and a blue ring appeared in City Hall... A petite size lady, 1.57m tall, in blue-white military uniform, stepped onto the White Plaza ...

People are shouting...

2 years into the near future:

Year 2025 Nov 29, Saturday

"The Workers Party! The Workers Party!"

The blue supporters of the Opposition Party

TWP couldn't contain their euphoria.

It has been a long long 58years...

+++Sillypore General Election+++

TWP (The Workers' Party)

Successfully replaced 

POP (People's Optimism Party)

As the ruling party in Sillypore.

After their rule since Independence Day

 31 July 1965


has liberated

Sillypore 星乐坡


The Lousy POP, which keep raising the 

VAT (Value added TAX) a regressive tax

 from initial 4% to the current 10%.

The Founding Father

President Lee Kan Ngiap (李干业)

was an Honorable man, non-nonsense and always right, and Highly respected by the common people and the rich.

In 1989, Lee Kan Ngiap "passed" the President baton to Goh Chiak Tim (吴架顶). 

(Lee lobbied for votes in the Congress for Goh to win...)

Goh practised a Consultative government, always consulting his Greedy wife who invested in Orstrich Eggs in Australia and Kiwi fruit in New Zealand.

Goh was deemed to be a pleasing President to the people by Old Lee. Lee actually had another candidate in mind to succeed him - the Highly Intellectual Dony Tan (陈大炮).

However, the Congress felt that Dony was a stubborn man with "unhigh EQ", so the votes swayed towards Chiak Tim.

[In Sillypore, the President is nominated by the Clans, but elected by the Congress. The term is 5 years and can be renewed non-stop as long as the support is there. But once voted out, the same candidate cannot run again.]


After Chiak Tim ran the island nation for 14 years, the seat was warmed and the Elder Son of Old Lee, Lee Shin Rong (李选荣)was voted in by the Congress with a 84-7 decision in year 2003.

Shin Rong' s mother, Madam Kwa Bee Choo (柯美珠) , was so proud that she donated $20million SillyDollars to the Community box, a national charity foundation that gives monetary aid and logistical support to the following organisation:

1) Handicap People Association based in Ang Mo Jio.

2) Starlight School based in Hishan.

3) Society for the Blind based in Tanjong Sugar

4) Deaf People United based in Marsilly

5) Therapy centre for the Heart Failure based in Eastern Coast

and 7 more...

Back to the 3rd President Lee Shin Rong.

选荣 was a 富二代。 He was a computer coding expert who graduated from MIT, USA.

Shin Rong had 2 wives.

1st wife : Wong Yunniang 黄云娘

(Passed away due to skin cancer)

2nd wife : Ho Bing 何兵 

(From China 上海)

Ho Bing is a very capable woman. But her aggressive way to running the Government corporation Sillasek, offended many other women in the country.

And one powerful businesswoman who decided to fight Ho Bing, is the mother of 

蓝灵王, 王安梅 女士。

This is the famous SP (Sillypore) 蓝色革命


... To be Continued 


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