Chapter 1.0 续写

 Chapter 1.0 续写

【1 Feb 2023W 0250】

[4 Feb 2023A 0711]PG13 Child Rating

(Camera gradually zoom in... Inside a Blue-Green Romantic Courtyard...)

蓝灵王 深深 的 拥抱着 红颜 韩婉婷。


”婉儿,我爱妳。我们结婚吧。。。“ 灵王 亲吻了 婉婷 的 小嘴。

“Sky, I will marry you, if you GIVE me a 1-carat Brilliant Rose Diamond !" WanEr 婉儿 chuckled...

蓝灵王 's Christian name is Sky LAN.

Sky is the President & CEO of the 蓝灵集团, a 7G smartphone manufacturer based in Chinese Taipei. The SkyHQ has now been relocated to Sengkang Grand Mall, Singapore Lion City.

As we all know, Taiwan is a province of China, and has lots of natural resources like diamonds & crude oil and pineapples.

According to mass polls. 50% of Taiwanese want to 统一中国, while 40% wants to 台独。Remaining 10% wildcards.

The current Taiwanese President 蔡英文 likes American Culture and wants Ang Mo Power to gain Independence for the Formosa Island. 


5 统一

4 台独

1 无所谓

Back to the loving couple...

韩婉婷 a.k.a 婉儿 , is Sky 蓝灵王's secretary and girlfriend + lover for 5 years.

They 邂逅 in 31 March 2018 in MOS Cafe at Plaza Singapura, Singapore.

第一天: 他们两 一见钟情。一见面就 喝了 香浓的 Ice Milk Tea, 并 exchange 了 phone numbers. They both share a Fish Burger.


第二天 :牵手了。

第三天 :  拥抱了。


第五天:WanEr & Sky made Love 了。。。^ ^

做爱了 (date was 25July2018)

就这样,这对鸳鸯 在 Sengkang 的 个 3bedroom Condo “SkyWAN" , 同居 了 5 年。

孩子也生了: 一对龙凤胎。Jasmine & Joshe

Sky & WanEr frenched deeply....

蓝天 + 婉儿 深拥,热吻,相爱。。。

(Camera zoomed out..... a white pigeon flew in and landed in the Viet Garden...

The Sky started to drizzle...)

... to be Continued...


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