
Showing posts from April, 2023

Chapter 2.3 Lee Huan New

 Chapter 2.3 Lee Huan New 28 April 2023F 07:31 BKK Time Camera zoomed into a Science Lab in  China High School. A naughty student, Amen Yee, 15yo was pouring Concentrated Sulphuric Acid from the test-tube into the Sink  His chemistry teacher, Lee Huan New, 51, shouted at him... 李欢牛:Rubbish !  Amen Yee got a shock, jerked his hand and ended up spilling some acid onto his right hand 右手。 Amen : Arghhhhhhh ! 1hr later, in Sillypore General Hospital... Inside the A&E department... Seated on a blue chair, attended and right hand treated and bandaged, Amen shouted... Amen Yee: Lee Huan New is Horrible !!! ... To be continued 

Sky Prayer 19apr2023W

 Prayer, I,  Sky, Sincerely pray to Jesus Christ that in the coming  General Elections, The Workers Party will hold on to the Hougang SMC, Aljunied GRC, and Sengkang GRC, PLUS win the East Coast GRC & Marine Parade GRC.  Amen ^ ^ Sky LAN  蓝天昱 19apr2023W 6:29pm RafflesCity

Chapter 2.2 温国显 & 胡晶

 Chapter 2.2 温国显 & 胡晶 [written: 10 April 2023 Monday 9am] Rating M18 Camera roll right to left ... A man and a woman in a 5*hotel room in Upper Orchid Road near WheelRock Place ... The man, 30s, in Black underwear only...  walked towards the mini fridge... The lady, in her 60s, but looked 40s, was in Red Bra and Black panties ... Man : U want some beer?  Old Lady : Nah... (Shook head... and proceed to remove her undies .. she needed a Quickie to remove Office stress) With underwear on the bed and only Red brassiere on, Hu Ching 胡晶 danced towards the gigolo and surprised him with a TIGHT SLAP on his buttocks... * pIAK ! This is actually molest, if done in public without the man's consent, according to the Men's Charter in Sillypore, passed in the year 2022, by 69% approving votes in the Congress. Wen Guoxian did not shriek or slap Hu Ching back... Instead, he turned around and lifted that old woman up in his strong arms, like a bounty hunter securing a Star Award last ...