
Showing posts from March, 2023

Chapter 2.1 红鸿义 vs 蓝灵王

 Chapter 2.1 红鸿义 27mar2023M / 06apr2023H Camera zoom into a Red Mansion... Into the grandhall...up the stairways... Into the penthouse of the bloody Fucker son of  胡晶 & 红旗拍 His name is 红。。鸿。。义  ! Hong Hongyi is a Hacker .... an IT expert who graduated from  MITU - Motherboard Interactive Technology University... Hongyi typed ... .... [ Search "蓝灵王" and the LANJiAK search engine generated the following 1) 蓝灵王 Lam Leng Wong China-HongKong Gangster Lord  Operate Brothels, Massage Parlours, Arcade Centres, Billard rooms... Merciless, kill enemies without blinking eyes  Weaponry expert  3) 蓝灵王 Lan Ling Wang  Taiwanese Computer Game  魔咒世界  Character Class: Battle-Mage  Weapon: Blue Diamond Staff Spell: Bluewave Tesselation, Aqua Aura, Cybersonic Strike   3) 蓝灵王 Sky LAN Sillyporean President & CEO of 蓝灵集团 Birthdate: 11 July 1978 44 yo Chinese Zodiac: Horse Western Horoscope: Cancer Graduated from Harvard Business School 哈佛大学 D...

Chapter 2.0 神魔斗

 Chapter 2.0 The Story Begins 21mar2023+ Tue  10:00am Chapter 1 is just a warm-up  The 故事 of 蓝灵王 begins here ..  第二篇 2.0: 神魔斗 自 如来佛 开天以来 神魔就显 阴阳斗争 数千万年 难分胜负。。。 公元 2923年 神 Avatar is Sky 蓝灵王 魔 Avatri is Jing 河精 蓝灵王 love 玲 bell  河精 obsessed with 金 gold  In the Sports Hub of Sillypore... 50,000 crowd watching... The bloody Face-off between  Sky LAN and Ho Jing... Who will survive? ... To be continued 

Magical Items & Artifacts

 Updated 21apr2023F 08:39 ==Attributes SDEIWCH== STR - Strength  DEX - Dexterity  END - Endurance INT - Intellect WIS - Wisdom CHA - Charisma HEA - Health =Hidden Attributes= HCECLIF HON - Honesty CRE - Creativity EMI - Emotional Intelligence  COR - Courage LOY - Loyalty ITG - Integrity FAI - Fairness  ++ Desires ++ POW - Power MON - Money FAM - Fame SEX - Sex CHA - Change PCE - Peace Magical Items & Artifacts The Book of CB 西比书 : + 99 Wisdom + 88 Creativity  (creative beauty) The SkyBlue Pen 天蓝笔 : +77 Intellect  The White Jacket 白衣 : +88 Charisma  The Black Bra of Immunity: Immune to Poison type D (Dragon), S(Serpent) Dragon Slayer (Sabre) 屠龙刀 : + 71 Strength  Sky Blade (Sword) 倚天剑 : + 101 Dexterity Buckle of Resistance 反裤带: +69 Endurance The Red Underwear 红底裤 : + 100 Charisma The Green Hat 绿帽 : + 50 Fairness The Little Closet 小抽屉 : + 89 EQ The 2 Blue Boxes 双蓝盒 : + 77 Honesty & Integrity The Ring of Power 权戒指 : + 100 Power

Chapter 1.9 出殡妇女

 Chapter 1.9 出殡妇女 38 妇女节 March 8, 2023 星期三 Camera zoom into the Wake of 红旗拍 。。。who 自杀 in last episode 1.8 哈哈哈! 红色李光光死光光! 老婆 情妇 姐妹 女儿 表女儿 所有妇女 。。。都在喜极而泣 Why? 因为。。。分财产啦 ! Lei Dei Zi Mu Zi Arh? (Red Cantonese 最爱钱)

Chapter 1.8 红旗超市

 Chapter 1.8 红旗超市 06mar23M 0826 [Camera zoom into a Red white SuperMarket  @ Ang Mo Jio...] 红旗拍 他妈的 自杀 !!! 温国显 的 lanjiao 被切掉 !!!!! 黄闻红 的 Zeebai 大家看 !!!!!!!