
Chapter 3.4 胡晶九阴白鸟爪

 Chapter 3.4 胡晶九阴白鸟爪 V1.0 2023.7.10M 1033 Compass 7-11 胡晶九阴白鸟爪 蓝灵王 ~ 乾坤挪机牌 White Eagle claw 💋 Vs Blue Taichi 🌀 Round1 Fight ! Blue King LAN swirls a blue Taichi Force Hu Ching brandishes her poisonous white eagle claws... Man and Woman faced off... Walked the stage in circles like Cantonese or Teochew Opera .. Nabe Cheebye Hoo Ching !!! Yes933

Chapter 3.3 吃钱狗官

 Chapter 3.3 吃钱狗官 V1.0 5/7/2023W 0057 谁吃钱, 谁就自动辞职。 ~ 蓝灵王

Chapter 3.2 红牌KTV舞女

 Chapter 3.2 红牌KTV舞女 V1.0 2023/07/03M Spec  Story: 李美欢 Red Dress 厉鬼 Camera zoomed into Orchid Drive 17 where the French Cafes are ... Footsteps... Black leather shoes ... *** 蓝灵王 entered a cafe in Orchid Road. It was blue walls decorated with purple Tulips and Cozy yellow lights   The Cups are all White with no stains. Sky loved the interior design. The tables were teak brown and the wooden chairs were lime green. There were 3 orange lanterns hanging in mid air.

Chapter 3.1 The Osaka Woman

Chapter 3.1 The Osaka Woman V1.0 22jun2023H 1133am CCL Serangoon Caroline Yasuki - 66yo Japanese Granny Takeshi Kitake - 15yo Japanese Grandson  Camera zoom into a slip road at the outskirts of Osaka, Japan ... Up to the level 13, unit 303 of a 2bedroom Apartment  Date: 3rd Dec 2022 (Sat) Time: 633pm Grandson Takeshi quarrel with his granny over the food that granny cooked for him. Takeshi love beef but granny keep cooking salmon for him for dinner. This evening, at the dining table, Takeshi the 15yo teenager could not take it anymore. The Rat teen blurted at his 66yo Monkey Granny Caroline. Takeshi: You go eat Shit and Die! With that, he slammed the chopsticks onto the red table and stomped out of the apartment... Granny, in a fit of anger ... thought to herself  Caroline: "what can I do to punish this naughty grandson of mine??" Granny smiled sheepishly ... She sneaked into Takeshi's room, pull out a piece of white Tissue paper from the tissue box, and inserted into the...

Chapter 2.7B 校际辩论会

Chapter 2.7B 校际辩论会 V2.1 09jun2023F 0733 V2.3 10jub2023A 0802 Music rolled... 30sec.. Camera zoomed into host. 陈起家: Good Evening everyone. 今天的辩论会是 华英 双语辩论。 正方 Farquhar JC 立场是:红色比较强! 反方 HuaRen JC 立场是:蓝色比较好! 法夸初级学院 Farquhar Junior College 正方 :红色比较强! 正1 :刘万强 正2 :Shanmugi s/o Mugaratnam 正3 :Josephine Sheetyard 正4 : 李武能 华仁初级学院 HuaRen Junior College 反方:蓝色比较好 ! 反1 :王慧梅 反2: Farisha binte Zulkifli 反3 :周三良 反4 :  纪杰伦 *** 正1 刘万强 : 主持人,各位评审,观众,傍晚好! 红,就是太阳 。。。 太阳,是万星之首。 太阳照耀了大地,一切才重生! 没有红红的太阳,就没有光耀。。。 红色,代表热情。 红色,就是伟大。 正所谓 红男绿女,红色就是尊。 。。。 反1 王慧梅 : 太阳 又怎样? 太阳也只是宇宙的一颗小星星。 宇宙,是蓝色的。 地球万物,最重要就是水。 而水,是什么颜色呢? 。。。一个字  蓝 ! 。。。 To be continued 

Chapter 3.0 义卖会

Chapter 3.0 义卖会 v1.0 03jun2023A 10:33 V1.2 05jun2023M 17:27 Shaw House V1.3 06jun2023+ 08:31 [Camera zoomed into Sillypore Handicap Association] Li Peifen 黎佩芬, dressed in Snow-white, with a Tiara on her apple head, was busing distributing door gifts to visiters in their Open House. The date was 01 June 2023 Thursday. A man, dressed in Green T-shirt, Blue Jeans, Black Shoes, walked in... A blind auntie, aged 69, in red dress, bumped into the green visiter and never apologized. Peifen: 來,买一个聋哑手工卡片, $8 而已。。。 A handsome man stood beside 佩芬。 Wearing white T, black jacket and Brown pants White shoes, his name is 欢欢。 The Greenman walked towards Peifen and touched her hands when taking the sample Card from her .. HuanHuan was pissed ! He shoved Greenman and Greenman lost his balance and fell to the white floor ... ... To be Continued 

Chapter 99 蓝芯妍 Last Episode

 Chapter 99 Last Episode : Blue Victory V1.0 30may2023+ 1pm (Nex 7-11) V1.3 31may2023W 3pm (Tourism Court) V1.5 05jun2023M 831am ( Camera zoomed into the Clemento District ... a fierce battle has been fought... Dead bodies on the floor... Blood flowing everywhere... *** Sky jumped into the air and plunged his blade downwards. 胡晶 HuChing's Chao Cheebye stabbed by a Blue Korean Sword by 蓝灵王。 The Evil Red Queen, legs wide open, died on the Crossroad. The Blue Diamond Sword was still pinned to her Smelly vagina hole. Sky LAN 天瑜 hugged his wife, Ally 💕芯妍 and kissed her tightly on her pinky soft lips... Ally: 老公,我爱你。。。she whispered Sky: 老婆,我也爱妳 💕 。。。 ~ The End ~ 「蓝灵王」 全局完